Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One Month In

Well folks, I have survived one month of living and working in Philadelphia.  To commemorate/celebrate, here are a list of some things I have learned in the past month.

1. You should never, under any circumstances, eat two-week-old Hamburger Helper.
2. Friends are nice. It's especially nice to have friends who know more than you do about the city you're in, and don't mind educating you.
3. God gave you legs, so use them.
4. There is such a name as Huthaifah. And it's pronounced Who-day-fah.
5. If you chop up a bunch of vegetables, cook them in a frying pan, mix them with rice, and douse the whole thing with soy sauce, you've made stir fry.
6. Egyptians consider themselves Middle Eastern, not African.
7. Exploding at kids may make them listen for the moment, but later you will feel guilty for losing your self-control.
8. You can make an African drum using plastic cups, masking tape, and shoe polish.
9. What I call a french braid is just a braid.  What I call a braid is a plait.
10. Just because God feels far away doesn't mean that He is. He will show up at moments when you least expect Him.


  1. A lot of important things to learn in just one month--and that doesn't even include any of the stuff about getting directions, busses and subways, cheese steaks, and ice cream. Enjoy your first three day weekend!!

  2. You are very wise my dear:)Love you Mom

  3. Maybe you just need to eat 2 week old Hamburger Helper over and over until you build up your tolerance :)

  4. Sounds like you have mastered a lot in that month. It use to be that day and weeks would go by quickly now it is the months. I guess that is what happens when you grow older....
    Don't eat 2 week old Hamburger Helper choose to eat more Ice Cream (-: Much better choice. Have a great week Debbie and stay safe. I know God is watching over you. Blessings Pat

    1. Well, I never learned not to eat two week old food but, as a young man just out on my own, I did learn that three-day old underwear doesn't work too good either.
      I love reading your blog, Sweetie. You have a lively and insightful writing style!
      Love ya, love ya, love ya, more than I can tell ya, tell ya, tell ya!

  5. What a lot to learn! I'm not sure I know that much now! Keep up the good work!

    Nancy W.
