Thursday, August 2, 2012

Adventure #8: This Block is a Chinese Doughnut

Today's treat: mango-flavored Philadelphia water ice from El Zarapes.  Mmmmm.

I just want to thank everyone for all of the comments you leave here on the blog, on Facebook, and the e-mails, text messages, and snail mail (I got your letters today, Aunt Carole and Ginny!)  I read them all, and I'm finding that I really thrive on and need those words of affirmation.  Thanks for all the ideas for games, too.  Today I tried playing Telephone and Four Corners during the gym time.  They really liked Telephone, but I ended Four Corners early because I though people were cheating.

Camp was surprisingly good today!  I feel like a few of the kids are starting to listen to me more, and some are getting used to me being around.  We had a 20 minute long Morning Meeting with the younger group today, in which we played Friendship Web and discussed our daily schedule.  They sort of had a schedule in place already, but I wanted them to know that I know.

Today, I was noticing their creativity in coming up with things to do.  We don't have many supplies because apparently the kids don't take very good care of stuff.  So today,  there was the yarn that became a jump rope, the ping pong ball and plastic bin that became a bouncing game, and my favorite, the wooden blocks that became Chinese food. 

-These kids are obsessed with my glasses.  I've taken them off a couple times when asked, and they think I look better without them.  Oh, honesty.
-Today a girl asked if I could be her "fake mom." I guess this means she calls me "mom" while at daycare.  She's a little older though, and while it's kind of cute, I'm trying to downplay it.
-People here keep reminding me of specific people at home.  There's one boy who is Brandon Baysore.  There's a Director from another Brightside that sounds exactly like Frankie Merritt.  The Director of my center reminds me of someone too, but I haven't quite figured out who yet.

"When everything that can go wrong, does, God will be there beside you.  He will give you hope, strength, patience, and love." -Everything Counts by Steve Case <----- This got my head in the right place this morning.


  1. Welcome to almost Friday! Yea Debbie!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sounds like things are falling into place! Have a great weekend!

  4. Omg, the whole recognizing people as other people thing.... I do that constantly. I see someone that I *think* I know and then I have to decide if they look like someone from home, Gettysburg, or SC. It happens like 10 times a day. lol

  5. That's really cool. It reminds me of the time I worked at the camp. Those were good times.
