Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Adventures #6 and #7: The Worst Bowling Experience and Best Tiramisu Gelato Ever

I don't know if today was an adventure so much as a Complete Catastrophe. 

I'm not going to get into all the details, but today's bowling trip with summer camp was NOT GOOD.  And I never want to go a field trip like that again.

I'm trying to be positive in this blog though, so let's talk about something besides work today.  Let's talk about gelato. 

There is a place just down the block called Vallaro Brothers.  It's an Italian bakery, and it also had gelato.  For $1.75, I got a scoop of gelato (which is all you really need).  They had lots of flavors to choose from - kiwi, watermelon, caramel, etc.  I picked tiramisu.  It was DELICIOUS.  Getting a treat on the way home from work everyday might become a habit.  But it's ok, I'm walking more often now than I ever have in my life, so I'm not worried about getting fat.  Just poor.  I Googled Vallaro Brothers, and apparently I need to try their cannoli too.  Maybe tomorrow!

I shall conclude this short post with a funny exchange from earlier this week:
Girl: (asking about Milton) Is your town old fashioned?
Me: Kind of, yes.
Girl: Is it in black and white?

Vallaro Brothers Bakery


  1. Love the story...and OMG the bakery looks amazing!! Hoping tomorrow is a better day! When I did school age kids during the summer, it was exhausting and frustrating until I made the group "mine"--so I'm thinking that things will get better as you go.

    1. I agree. I think the remainder of this month will feel slow, but when I look back I will think it flew by. Today was much better so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens the rest of August.

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah you do! I'll let you know when I find a place!

  3. I can echo what Carole said. I did a summer camp in Harrisburg right after I graduated college and it took a little bit for the kids to get used to me and vice versa. I had to earn their respect by being fair and consistent. Hang in there. :)

  4. Guessing your director and coworkers will have ideas for what does (and more importantly what doesn't) work. And I'm guessing you'll be like a sponge when you finally get to the orientation training session. For more quiet indoor games my school-age daycare kids sometimes liked learning old fashioned games like dominoes, pick up sticks, tidily winks, marbles. They liked anything that involved making a video of the group doing something like pretend sports cast, singing, finding bugs, etc (that was back in the day when video was unusual--but thinking it might still hold). Girls (and some boys) liked learning those clapping, hand slapping rhythmic chants. I remember being successful with craft activities that involved things they could use--like I got info about making paper planes--some of the kids loved flying them and others loved making them look cool. Group games that don't easily explode into violence are tougher--Simon Says, Mother May I. Any elementary gym teachers among your friends? Anything from your Africa experiences? music or dance? Some of my kids were easily entertained with simple crafts activities--which left more time for me to attend to those who required my more active involvement. I found a lot of hidden picture things online.

    1. Thanks for all the great ideas! I was online yesterday taking notes from sites Google suggested! They do like music and dancing a lot. Painting has worked out pretty well the past few days, too.

    2. Did Grandmom ever have you paint on the sidewalk and walls with water? My boys remember doing that when they stayed with her.

    3. I have a vague recollection of doing that...that would be so easy to do!
