Yesterday I didn't go to camp. Instead, I had a day of training (the training that, technically, you're supposed to have before you start working.) It was my first time riding the bus by myself. I felt fairly confident, because Becky had shown me where the bus stop is, and even drew me a map of the route. I was supposed to be there at 8:45 am. I left the apartment at 7:45 and walked to the bus stop. The bus stopped and I got on and put my token in the far, so good. I was nervous about missing my stop, but I knew the ride was about 36 minutes long, so I knew when I had to start really paying attention. So finally, we get to my stop and I get off the bus...and proceed to start walking in the wrong direction. I didn't know it at first, but then I started looking around and things didn't look right, so I decided to ask for directions. I saw an old lady sitting on a stoop in front of what looked like a church and asked her for directions. She thought for a little while, pointed me in the right direction, and then asked for a dollar for a cup of coffee. I mumbled some excuse about being in a hurry, started walking, and then felt like a terrible person. So I'm walking and walking and realize I still don't know where I am or how to get to where I'm going. I see an old man cleaning out the bed of a truck and ask him for directions. He didn't know, but yelled over to a younger guy, who pointed me in the right direction and then offered to give me a ride there if I'd give him some gas money. I said, "No thank you," and did not feel like a terrible person.
Anyway. I did eventually find the place, hallelujah, and the training went well. I was actually only 5-10 minutes late. Then it was time to go home. Now, for some crazy reason I was thinking the bus stop was on 8th Street, when really it's on 6th. So I found 8th Street and walked and walked and never saw a bus stop. After 20 minutes or so, I finally stopped in a Spanish corner store, and the guy told me I had to go to 6th Street. I pulled out my map from Becky, which was clearly labeled "6th Street" and felt like an idiot. I found 6th Street and walked around looking for the bus stop, which I eventually found...another hallelujah moment. Thankfully the ride home was uneventful, and although I was briefly disoriented when I got off the bus, I got back to the apartment without any major problems.
And that wraps up the story of my first solo experience with Philadelphia's public transportation system. Tomorrow, I have to go back to the regional office again to complete the training. Hopefully, it will not make for such an interesting story.
Oh, my--though I rode buses and trolleys alone from about 4th grade, I'm afraid the same sort of thing might happen to me, too, now. In a month you'll be a pro at making transfers, etc. Really glad you picked up on who to ask for directions and when not to feel guilty : ) Sounds like maybe you need a Garmin--or maybe your fancy phone can do that for you? Septa will give you step by step directions on their site, too. But you do have to look at them : P Maybe carry a book with the directions inside or taped to the cover if you don't want to look too obvious. Good luck tomorrow!!