Sunday, August 5, 2012

Adventures 9-12: Reading Terminal Market, Settlers of Catan, Church in a Theater, and Apartment Hunting

It's been three days! There is so much to blog about!

Adventure #9: Reading Terminal Market

Yesterday we went to the Reading Terminal and shopped for produce and meat.  I bought a green pepper, tomatoes, grape tomatoes, carrots, an onion, plums, oranges, and ground beef.  I have no idea what I will actually make with all those ingredients.  Maybe stuffed peppers or Hamburger Helper or something. The place was bustling, but I didn't find it overwhelming.  It was neat to see all the different stands.  It seems like you can buy just about anything there - although my friend searched high and low for ham spread and couldn't find any.  There were baked goods, cheese, deli meats, seafood, fish, fruits, vegetables, coffee, other meats, even non-food places, like a stand that sold soap.  We bought ice cream for lunch, and it was delicious.  I had a scoop of raspberry truffle and a scoop of Guatemalan Ripple, which tasted like coffee and chocolate. We sat down to eat in a little table area, where an older man was playing tunes on a keyboard. As we listened, we realized he was playing hymns and jazzing them up a bit! Pretty neat experience!

Adventure #10: Settlers of Catan

Yesterday Becky had two friends over, and we played a game called Settlers of Catan. It was my first time playing this game. I don't even know how to explain it, except that it is a game of strategy in which you build roads and settlements and cities and collect resources and try to be the first person to get to ten points. During the first game, they played with a Cities and Knights expansion pack, which made it really complicated for a novice like me; but Becky and the two guys were good about explaining everything (ten times). The first game lasted for hours and we never did finish it. We decided to play a second game, but just the Basic version. By this time I had started to Get It a little more, and got lucky enough to win. It was a fun way to spend the evening, and it was great getting to know a couple more people in this city! Also, I may become addicted to this game and need to get one of my own...look out, friends. You thought Dutch Blitz was bad...wait till I teach you this one (and then proceed to lose every time we play.)

Adventure #11: Church in a Theater

This is where I went to church today:

This is the Suzanne Roberts Theater in Center City, but on Sunday mornings it becomes the sanctuary for Epic Church. I absolutely loved the pastor, Kent Jacobs (yes, Jacobs) and the sermon. He reminded me of FBC's old youth pastor, Todd, in that he is hilarious and a great speaker. I still want to explore other churches a bit, but I am sure I will be back to this one. (And probably listening to Kent's sermons online if I'm elsewhere.)

Adventure #12: Apartment Hunting

Ugh. This is one of those adventures that might be better described as a hassle. So, on Friday I called a real estate agent named Pete during my lunch break, and arranged for him to pick me up after work to go show me a place. Getting in a car by myself with a guy I didn't know to go to a place I wasn't familiar with probably wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done, but I ended up not getting murdered, so it's all good. Pete turned out to be a character. In addition to being a real estate agent, he also sells sneakers, sells merchandise before Phillies games, published a book, and is currently working on a comic. He grew up in Philly and has that accent that I will forever associate with Uncle Johnny and Aunt Claire.  He also said he grew up down the street from some Jacobs - I don't know that it was anyone I'm related to, though. The first place Pete showed me was in an...interesting area....and it smelled funny. The second place was actually quite nice and in a slightly better part of town. It's $700/mo plus utilities. I took an application for the place, and Pete's been pushing me to get it done this weekend because it isn't even listed yet, but will be tomorrow, and it will go fast.

However, now I am thinking that it might be better for me to find people who are looking for a roommate and just move into a place that is already furnished. I saw a place yesterday that was really nice and in a good part of town, really close to where Becky lives, but I didn't get to meet the girls I'd be living with yet (the one who showed it to me is the one moving out.) We seem to be playing phone tag. They want $505/month plus utilities. I don't know. Hopefully when I meet them things will become clear. I'm just trying to trust that God is going to get me into a good place where I can feel safe and not be overwhelmed.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Tomorrow I have a training and I get to navigate public transportation by myself, so pray that that goes well!


  1. So glad you had a good weekend and hope the week ahead goes well, Debbie! But when are you getting around to those wonderful fresh, soft pretzels?

    1. Haha! I never really loved soft pretzels, but maybe I just haven't had a good one yet. There's a place near work specifically for pretzels...I will have to check it out on my break one of these days!

  2. WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE DISCOVERED SETTLERS WHEN WE WERE STILL IN THE SAME STATE?! I loved it in college, but it's like $50 for the game and I figured no one else at home would play it with me, so I never invested in it. If you promise to visit and play with me, I'll totally get it. lol

  3. I told you at the beach to watch that Tabletop web show with Wil Wheaton. They play Settlers in one episode

    1. I've thought about that off and on but never actually watched it. Just finished the Settlers I want to play. :-P Oh, also, I had Tuna Helper today and thought of you. :)

  4. Google Maps was my lifesaver when it came to navigating public transit in new places. You can put it your start and endpoints then click on the little bus/train icon and input what time you are leaving or when you need to be to your destination. Just keep in mind that weekend routes/times are often different from weekday routes/times.

    1. Thanks Megan! I recently discovered that, thanks to my aunt. It really is an amazingly helpful invention. Now I just need one of those fancy phones so I can check it on-the-go!

    2. Yes it is wonderful. Also, do you have a map of Philly? I got turned around in a roughish area of Detroit and was quite grateful I had a map in my backpack which got me back home safely. :)
